Dileep Mouleesha

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

I am no Ralph Rene to write a conspiracy theory. But I have a theory of my own. I am not a cynic but I have my doubts.

Today the times are very uncertain for any government in India. Every political party is trying to do something to make them selves the obvious choice of the people. The one government that strikes peace accord with Pakistan is the winner of this race. Governments have come and gone, each one has tried one a shot at it.

There have been quite a few rendezvous between the two governments. Now the Pakistan’s Tour of India has been used to get political mileage. I believe that the cricket series was compromised just to get Musharraf smile.

  • A couple of reasons why I fear what I say is true because
  • Musharraf is invited to witness a cricket match. I’ve never seen Bangladesh or Australian Head of State invited to witness a cricket match.
  • Why was the venue Delhi despite construction still going on? Was it because it was easy for all politicians to meet?
  • Venue was fixed with help of government funding and push.
  • India did quite well in the first two matches. Why did they start playing terribly after Musharraf accepted the invitation?
  • Why did Saurav not play in the 5th and 6th one day though ICC allowed him to play?
  • Was the team under pressure from the government to lose the series? Was it because this would make Musharraf happy and this would start a new chapter in Indo-Pakistan relations?

These are young governments but the wounds are old. Let the government be reminded, Pokhran did not stop Kargil. What is a Cricket series?


  • Dear Dileep,

    Firstly, let me tell you why I think (with inputs from certain credible sources) why the tiff will not end soon...

    It is in the vested interests of many people that the disputes go on & on...You would not believe, but there are people who stand to gain a lot from all this...this extends to the US, UK and even obnoxious traders in South East Asian countries...

    Trades like Narcotics, Arms & flesh stand in Trillions of dollars - arms being the primary focus. With this kind of a dispute on, countries like America will be able to sell their weapons to countries like India & Pakistan. For a fact, weapons trade brings in more money to the US than any other trade!! It is in the interest of the US to start and then monitor and interfere in fights all over the world...why else would they for no reason, go to war with Iraq (the only reason being WMD, which they could not find)?? The money they bring in would be able to buy out more than 40 countries all together!!! Sometimes, it backfires, like the Taliban using US made (and given to them by US for fighting the Russians) weapons against the US itself...

    There are vested interests in India too...for example, the Auditor Comptroller General estimated in a report, that we spent around 340% more money than was needed for the war...an example being the case where we provided shoes for soldiers with totally wrong sizes (where the correct sizes came more than a year after the war). We had ordered for shells (for mortars) with wrong specifics from a European country, the correct ones for which never came!!. There are many such accounts, where Army men and other defense personnel (including many politicians) made hundreds of crores of Rupees...An estimate puts Kargil at the cost of over 7 years of R&D in science which could have been possible. A RAW intelligence report which was leaked (for which a reporter was found missing) puts the reason for starting the war as a planned activity by the Indian army intelligence to cover a misplaced covert operation.

    The cricket series, the buses plying etc etc are just to keep the junta happy...the Kashmir issue will never get solved...the most sane of the people in this matter is the Hurriyat Conference. Just take this example...there are more doctorates in the Hurriyat Conference team than our entire polical brass put together...even a few from the likes of University of Pennisylvania & MIT!! Why otherwise would we not involve the Kashmiri people in talks about their own fate? Its like discussing with someone the movement of an IT guy from a project to another without consulting him/her. (Just for your benefit).

    The fact that we lost the series is due to no other reason than our bunch of crappy cricketers being more interested in commercials rather than practicing every day for 8-10 hours...

    The Delhi venue was obviously fixed for political dialogue to be facilitated and since Musharraf was to meet the top brass...no conspiracy theory behind that...where better than Delhi...

    Have you read the open statement against the US by Kofi Annan recently...a bold statement which does not leave any scope for reading between the lines...his term is nearing its end and he has done what a person in a sensitive position like his would do while leaving...

    I have always loved to enter into a healthy discussion on such topics, especially when I hear total crap on this Pak-Kashmir issue and others from people who are totally ignorant on such things...

    If you want to talk about conspiracy, ask why there are NGO's funded by top ranking officials from the political brass doing suspicious dealings...ask why the wife of a leading US diplomat was found in the private bedroom of an Indian Politician's private condo off Seychells...

    That, my friend is Conspiracy...what you mentioned is exactly what those people actually want you to think is conspiracy...(some of these facts I got from a friend, who is close with an erstwhile afghan terrorist)...

    But I like the crop-field cut out for the Conspiracy theme though ; )


    Love & Regards,

    Shivas K Hameed

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:05 PM  

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